Education Technology

At Robinson, we are truly a 21st century school that believes technology has the power to transform all that we do in the service of our students. Intentional integration enhances our curriculum, prepares our students with the necessary skills to compete in a global economy, and empowers faculty as they design exceptional learning experiences for our students. Technology makes teaching and learning relevant, meaningful, and accessible. As students learn to master technology, they develop as problem-solvers, build flexible and creative thinking skills, and an innovative mindset that will serve them both in their studies and in the future.

As part of our commitment to excellence, Robinson continually invests in technology – tools, applications, and infrastructure – and provides students with access to emerging technology that best serves their learning and developmental needs at all levels. Every learning space is outfitted with an Interactive Projector and Whiteboard, our campus is blanketed in high-speed wireless internet, labs are equipped with high-power PCs, Virtual/Augmented Reality, and 3D printers, and teachers are equipped with the latest technology devices that support the teaching and learning process and their connections to students. Beginning in 4th Grade students participate in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program and students use Canvas LMS and Microsoft Office 365 as core technologies. Robinson School is recognized as a Microsoft Showcase School and Robinson’s Information Technology staff and Educational Technology Coordinator ensure our community has everything needed to achieve academic success.

Formal Technology education begins in Elementary School as students take Computer class and learn the fundamentals of using devices, Microsoft Office 365 and Canvas LMS. Upper Elementary students explore topics like 3D Design, programming, and robotics in the Elementary STEM Lab. Middle School students continue their work in Design Technology, leading initiatives as creators and designers such as 3D Modeling a school of the future using Minecraft. In Upper School, students are offered STEAM and programming electives that foster innovation. Across all grade levels teachers integrate Microsoft Office 365 tools, Canvas LMS and other digital platforms that support student achievement and development.

Our faculty are the foundation of our success at Robinson. Our teachers understand the role technology plays in the learning process and embrace the ongoing professional learning opportunities Robinson offers in support of their expertise with the various core technologies in use one a daily basis. Teachers and staff receive ongoing training and support from our Educational Technology Coordinator, IT Staff, and serve as peer coaches and mentors to one another as they collaborate and learn to use the tools that ensure our learning environments are optimal, effective and innovative. Robinson teachers model the collaborative spirit and learning environment that they instill in our students.

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