
Janice González

Early Childhood Division Head

Your First Steps Towards Success.

Welcome to our Preschool Program! Robinson’s Preschool program earned a distinction award by the Middle States Association for its excellence in meeting preschool children’s developmental needs. Our Program targets the whole child and encompasses the first steps to our International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. Children are encouraged to be risk-takers, communicators, inquirers, and so much more, all in an environment that is warm and inviting. Learn about what makes our Preschool unique and the perfect place to begin your learning journey for your child.

The curriculum is based on the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Skills are all developmentally appropriate and embedded across an interdisciplinary program of exploration with a hands-on, student-centered approach.

Pre-Pre-Kinder offers an ample variety of gross and fine motor development activities. Language development is fostered through read-aloud, play, songs, and center-based learning that integrates all content areas.

Pre-Kinder hones and expands on the skills developed in Pre-Pre-Kinder activities and begins the transition and preparation for Kinder at Robinson. More formal explorations of science and social studies are introduced, all done within an integrated, center-based program. Throughout the Preschool Program, a series of thematic units develop in students a sense of connection to one-another, international mindedness, and values and character traits for their active participation and contribution as citizens of their world.

Kindergarten allows the children to soar, as they engage in many learning opportunities that take them through the reading and writing process, in both English and Spanish. Inquiry is the primary driver of the learning process and students are encouraged to reach their highest potential through engaging centers. Students enter the formal study of mathematics as part of the Illustrative Mathematics program at Robinson. 

*Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, and our Spiritual Life special classes offered throughout Preschool. Technology is introduced beginning in Kinder.

Differentiation offers those welcoming a challenge to explore all they can be, but also considers the needs of those who may need more time and help in reaching their goals. Comprehensive student support services complement the academic offerings in Preschool, by referral. Parents may elect these additional offerings that best meet any developmental needs a child may demonstrate at this level, all provided for by a wonderful and caring team of dedicated professionals. Communication between our caring and nurturing team of teachers and parents is constant, as Robinson places great value on the home-school partnership in ensuring the success of each student.

All classrooms are equipped with manipulatives, educational games, and many hands-on materials that motivate children to explore and learn. Our 21st century classrooms are equipped with the latest technology resources to support teachers in designing and delivering learning activities. All the furnishings consider the children’s size and functionality. Individual classroom patios, two shared outdoor playground areas, ample green spaces and a Preschool Edible Garden extend our early learnings beyond the classroom. Our cultural diversity is rich and makes the children’s experiences unique. Come and discover why our classrooms are not your everyday classrooms!

Preschool Facts





