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CAS Project 2021 Agustin Alexandra Fabiola
Diploma Program students Agustín Montalvo, Alexandra Náter, and Fabiola Díaz chose mental health as the main topic for their Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) project and were quickly interested in planning activities they enjoy such as gardening and yoga. But the reason behind all of it goes further than their hobbies, they value the benefits of taking care of the body and mind and wanted to positively impact their peers with a day dedicated to wellness.

CAS enables students to demonstrate attributes of the IB learner profile in real and practical ways, to grow as unique individuals, and recognize their role concerning others. It also provides opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, accomplishment, and enjoyment. With this in mind and considering that the COVID-19 pandemic and learning from home for over a year has left a toll on many students, Agustín, Alexandra and Fabiola joined forces to bring a message to their peers: mental health is important, and it starts with you taking time to relax and enjoy life. “Schoolwork can get students very stressed; we must have – and learn new – ways to decompress and manage our emotions in a healthy way”, shared Fabiola.

The team offered a group of 11th-grade students the opportunity to put the books aside for a bit and enjoy wellness-focused activities. It included an interactive stress management workshop offered by Fundación Stefano, an organization close to Agustín’s heart, where he’s been volunteering for over a year. Fabiola, whose MYP Personal Project was also tied to wellness and mental health in young girls, coordinated a yoga class for the participants. Alexandra led a gardening session aimed at producing a new crop in the school’s garden. This also supports her effort to donate food to Fundación Casa Ronald McDonald, where she volunteers. Art is also an excellent vehicle for self-expression and enjoyment, so it was also included in the offerings.

With their CAS Project, Agustín, Alexandra, and Fabiola caused a positive impact on their peers and helped many realize how much of a difference it makes to take a break, rest, and enjoy the moment to feel well physically and mentally, helping to regain strength and motivation.

Congratulations, Hawks, on becoming advocates of wellbeing through your CAS Project!